We are so pleased that Victoria Walters has signed a two-book deal with independent digital publisher Hera Books. World English language rights were acquired by Keshini Naidoo from Hannah Ferguson. The first of the two romantic fiction novels, Coming Home to Glendale Hall, will be published in September 2019, with the second to follow in March 2020. Both books will be set against in the picturesque Scottish Highlands.

Keshini Naidoo, publishing director at Hera Books, said: “I’ve been a fan of Victoria’s writing for some time, and when Coming Home to Glendale Hall came in one cold winter day I curled up and luxuriated in this beautiful novel. The Scottish setting is so beautifully described that it feels like taking a holiday in the Highlands, while the ensemble cast are so warm and likable, with a central love story that absolutely warmed my heart. This is the perfect feel good novel and we are absolutely thrilled to be the home for it.”

Victoria Walters has always been a bookworm and loved making up stories whilst growing up in Surrey. After studying a BA degree in Sociology at Warwick university, she worked in human resources before deciding to pursue writing more seriously. She now works part-time as a bookseller and loves recommending books.

Victoria is slightly too fond of cake and shopping, and might be the only writer who hates coffee. She has a kitten called Harry (named after Potter, not Styles) and posts too many pictures of him on Twitter.

See The Bookseller article here.